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Residential Improvement Grant

Adding to the number of residential units available for rent will help increase the supply of housing options accessible for local residents. By focusing on downtowns and mixed-use zones rental tenants may gain access to employment opportunities and personal and professional services without requiring access to a vehicle. The Residential Improvement Grant provides funding for property owners to upgrade or renovate their mixed-use building to add new residential units or increase occupancy in existing units for long-term rental use.
Spruce the Bruce Residential Improvement Grant

Spruce the Bruce Business Grants

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the grant:

  • The applicant must be the property owner.
  • The building must be mixed-use (commercial-residential) and located within priority downtown or mixed-use zone in a Community Improvement Project Area (CIPA).
  • The renovations and upgrades must comply with municipal bylaws and have received appropriate permits and permissions.
  • Project work must not have started (including purchasing any materials) until the application has been approved.
  • Properties previously awarded grants are ineligible for funding under the same grant category unless the grant was provided more than five years ago, the property owner changed or the application is for unit.

Max Funding: 

  • 50% of total project cost (excluding taxes) up to $4,000.

Eligible Projects 

Eligible projects may include, but are not limited to:

  • Supplies and labour related to the development of a new unit or expansion of existing units.
  • Supplies and labour related to necessary building code or fire code requirements.
  • Other approved by Bruce County permanent renovations or upgrades that add a new residential unit or increase the capacity of an existing residential unit.

Ineligible Projects 

Ineligible projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Removable or temporary items (e.g., furniture, decorative items).
  • Projects that do not result in a new residential unit or increase the occupancy of an existing residential unit.
  • New building construction.