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The unique identity of Bruce County is supported by a rich tapestry of cultural assets and natural resources. We honour and celebrate the diverse heritage, culture, and artistic expressions that shape the character of our communities and the County as a whole.
man playing colourful painted piano on a patio

State of Culture Survey
Thank you for all those who participated in our July 2024 State of Culture Survey. Bruce County continues to expand and enhance cultural opportunities and resources through the Cultural Action Plan and is thankful to hear input from the public about the current state of arts and culture in the region. 

Our cultural sights, sounds, and stories are key in making Bruce County a vibrant place to live, vacation, and visit. We want everyone to have the opportunity to experience Bruce County’s heritage, culture, and artistic expressions.

Cultural Action Plan in motion:

  • A Cultural Action Plan Steering Committee has been active under the leadership of Brooke McLean, Director of Library Services.
  • Bruce County Public Libraries and the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre continue to offer extensive and enriching cultural programming and resources, and act as the cultural hubs in communities across the County. Meeting spaces in these hubs support culture-based businesses, not-for-profits, and groups, and allow their ideas and offerings to take flight.
  • Explore The Bruce actively supports community partners and cultural businesses with promotion of local festivals and events.