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Corporate Services

Corporate Services is responsible for the delivery of Financial Services as well as Purchasing and Risk Management/Insurance. The department manages the day to day financial functions while prioritizing long term financial sustainability.
a group of people having a discussion

Levels of Service Questionnaire

Bruce County has begun building the 2025 Asset Management Plan and is eager to hear input on levels of service from the public. Share input in the 2025 Levels of Service Questionnaire by Tuesday, November 5, 2024. This opportunity to provide feedback will only take a few minutes to complete. Responses will only be published in anonymous format.

Purchasing Division

This division provides guidance and oversight of the procurement of goods and services for all Departments according to approved policies and procedures.

Visit the Bruce County Bids webpage

Visit the Bruce County Bids and Tenders portal.

Risk Management and Insurance

Corporate Services is responsible for managing the County's risks associated with its operations and usage of its infrastructure, services and facilities.  The division develops, delivers and manages its risk management strategy.  One component is the management of a robust insurance program that covers and protects the County and its assets both human and physical.

Click HERE to submit a Notice of Loss/Notice of Injury claim.

Finance Division

Responsible for all matters that generally concern the finances of the County including coordination of the financial services for all Departments, including accounts payable and receivable.  The coordination of the annual budget, calculating the tax rates and collection of the County Levy paid by each lower tier municipality to the County.  A fine payment office for Provincial Offences is located at the Walkerton Administration Centre. 

Tax Rebates and Tax Relief

A By-Law to Provide Tax Relief to Certain Elderly and Disabled Persons who are Owners of Real Property in the County of Bruce

Application Form for the Tax Relief to Certain Elderly and Disabled Persons who are Owners of Real Property in the County of Bruce

A By-Law to Establish a Tax Rebate Program for the purposes of Providing relief from taxes on Eligible Property Occupied by Eligible Charities


Contact us

Sam Dinsmore

Director of Corporate Services

Department: Corporate Services

Location: Walkerton Administration Centre

Tel : 519-881-1291


Bruce County is a lean organization that is focused on providing high quality services to the communities we share and tax payers we work for.

Walkerton Administration Centre

30 Park St.
Walkerton ON N0G2V0

administration building

44.120480816, -81.1513775614