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Make a Delegation to Council

Public delegations may address their concerns for a particular issue to County Council. See below for details of how to apply to present a delegation. Rules and procedures for being a delegation can be found in the County’s Procedural By-law:
Contact us

Linda White


Department: Office of the Chief Administrative Officer

Tel : 519-881-1291


Bruce County believes exploring new ideas and innovation should happen every day and be a partnership between communities, citizens, county employees and business.

How to be a Delegation

To request to provide a delegation to County Council or a Committee, complete the Delegation Request Form.  If you have questions or are unsure of where you should direct your request, please reach out to the County’s Clerks office for more information:
Phone: 519-881-1291 
Regular Mail: 30 Park Street, PO Box 70, Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0
Requests submitted in writing or via email must be received at least seven (7) business days prior to the meeting, and include the following information:
•    The name of the speaker 
•    The organization being represented (if any)
•    The subject matter to be presented

Delegations not listed on the Agenda may be heard, provided a majority of the members’ present vote to hear the delegation.