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Council / Committee Meetings – Thursday, October 14, 2021

Explore highlights from Bruce County's Council & Committee Meetings. These meetings are held on Thursdays, twice monthly, beginning at 9:30 AM, unless otherwise posted. Meetings are video livestreamed and complete agendas and minutes are available for public review.

Council Reviews 2022-2026 Proposed Corporate Budget and Forecast

Bruce County Council has taken a first look at the 2022-2026 draft corporate budget and forecast at their Corporate Services Committee meeting on October 14, 2021. The 2022 draft budget maintains core services and plans for the future with investment in affordable housing, transit, and growth. While proposed expenses in this draft budget increased slightly for 2022, revenues are expected to decrease significantly due to reductions in federal and provincial funding, creating a proposed 4.80% increase in tax rates. The 2022 corporate budget building process reduced the proposed tax rate increase from 4.95%, which was the original forecast in the 2021 budget. Bruce County Council will continue to review the revised draft budget for 2022 at the next Corporate Services Committee meeting in October. This $123.5M draft budget, consisting of $99.5M in operating expenses and $24M in capital expenses, will allow Bruce County to deliver high quality municipal services like infrastructure improvements, family and housing supports, emergency paramedic services, economic development, and library and museum programming. Discover more about the 2022-2026 draft corporate budget at Multi-year budgeting is a best practice for municipalities, and encouraged by the Province, ensuring adequate resources for fulfilling the County’s strategic plans and goals.

Council Selection Committee Approved for CAO Recruitment 

The Executive Committee approved that a Council Selection Committee, comprised of four members of County Council including Warden Jackson and Councillors Charbonneau, Hammell, and Peabody will support the first Phase of the CAO recruitment process. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) has advised County Council of her intent to leave Bruce County as of January 9, 2022. A recruitment process has been initiated to fill the resulting vacancy. County staff will facilitate this process for Council and support Council decision making for the recruitment of a new CAO.

This publication identifies highlights from recent Bruce County Council and Committee meetings. Bruce County’s Office of the CAO maintains complete agendas and minutes from all Council and Committee meetings, which can be reviewed at