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Getting Prepared for Thunderstorms in Bruce County

Spring is here and soon it will be summer! Along with the nice weather comes the threat of severe thunderstorms. Thunderstorms are often accompanied by high winds, hail, lightning, and heavy rain. In rare cases, thunderstorms can produce tornadoes.

Spring is here and soon it will be summer! Along with the nice weather comes the threat of severe thunderstorms. Thunderstorms are often accompanied by high winds, hail, lightning, and heavy rain. In rare cases, thunderstorms can produce tornadoes. On average, 10 people die each year in Canada and up to 160 are injured during such storms.

"Being prepared in the event of a severe thunderstorm includes being aware of weather conditions and warnings. Seek shelter immediately if a warning has been issued or you believe one could occur," said Ray Lux, Bruce County Emergency Management Coordinator.  

Bruce County Emergency Management would like to share some useful tips on how to keep yourself and your family safe during a severe thunderstorm.

What to do if outside:

  • If you are caught outside and you can see lightning or hear thunder, you are in danger of being hit. Seek shelter immediately either in an enclosed building or a hard-topped vehicle. There is no safe place outside in a thunderstorm.
  • If caught outside far from a safe location, stay away from tall objects, such as trees, poles, wires, and fences. Open structures will not protect you from lightning.
  • Take shelter in a low-lying area. Squat down and put your feet together - do not lie down.

What to do if inside:

  • Stay away from windows, skylights, and glass doors - strong winds and large hailstones can shatter them.
  • Avoid running water in your house - lightning can enter through pipes and plumbing. Don't take showers or baths during a thunderstorm.
  • Be prepared to seek shelter in a basement or interior room on the lowest level if conditions worsen.

Remember to wait 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder before you leave your safe place or go back outside.

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