County Administration Buildings Closed for 2024 Labour Day Long Weekend

Please take notice that the Bruce County Administration Centre in Walkerton, the Lakeshore Hub in Port Elgin, the Peninsula Hub in Wiarton, and the Penetangore Hub in Kincardine will be closed from Saturday, August 31 to Monday, September 2 (Labour Day Long Weekend). Virtual customer service and in-person service will be available again on Tuesday, September 3 at 8:30 AM.
Bruce County Public Library Branches will be closed on Monday, September 2. Library Branches will be open for regular hours on Saturday, August 31 and Sunday, September 1. Online resources are available 24/7.
Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre will be open from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday, August 31, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Sunday, September 1, and 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Monday, September 2. The Museum Archives will be closed on Sunday, September 1 and Monday, September 2.
EarlyON Child and Family Centre programming will be closed from Saturday, August 31 to Monday, September 2. EarlyON virtual programming and schedules are available online.
For essential services, please call 211 to assist with accessing community services and support. The service is 24/7 and multilingual interpretation is available.
For emergencies, please call 911. For less serious incidents, report online by visiting