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Special Needs Resource Program

The Special Needs Resource Program supports the inclusion of children with special needs in Bruce County licensed child care settings, EarlyON programs, and authorized camps, children’s recreation and skill building programs.
Special Needs program

The Bruce County Special Needs Resource Program is excited to announce recent changes to the way we provide inclusion support for children in Bruce County! 

We are now pleased to offer the following 3 Levels of Service, with the purpose of providing universal inclusion strategies, focused short term consultation services, and intensive, individual support when needed:

levels of service diagram

Parents and Caregivers

We recognize that parents are the single most important influence in their child’s life.

Your involvement and participation is important in planning and implementing your child’s program.  Together with parents and educators, our Resource Consultants will develop recommendations and goals based on your child's developmental needs and the priorities of your family. 

Referrals to Exploration and Intensive Services

Parental consultation and consent is required for these levels of service.

To make a referral please complete the referral form.


Toll Free: 1-800-265-3005
Local: 519-881-0431

Contact us

Tracey Shilvock

Resource Program Supervisor

Department: Human Services

Location: Walkerton Administration Centre

Tel : 519-881-0431


This is where to start exploring the options. Our hope is that you discover a compassionate and sharing community like no other.

Human Services
EarlyON Child and Family Centres