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Additional Residential Unit Funding Program

The Additional Residential Unit (ARU) funding program supports Bruce County homeowners to add an ARU to their residential property. An ARU is a self-contained living space that can be attached to or within a single-family home, such as a detached, semi-detached or townhouse, or located in an accessory or standalone building on the same property. Examples of ARUs include an addition to the main dwelling, a basement apartment, an apartment above a garage, or a standalone garden suite.
backyard aru with bicycle and welcome mat with open door

ARUs enhance community housing by increasing the availability of private rental options.  ARUs are generally faster to build, and units can often be added while maintaining the character of established neighbourhoods.  For homeowners, these units provide a source of rental income, helping offset the costs of homeownership and maintenance.  They also offer flexibility to families to have live-in caregivers, enable seniors to live independently within a family setting, or house young adults.

Eligibility for ARU Pilot Program Funding

  • Rental Rate must be at or below CMHC's Average Market Rent (AMR) for Bruce County.  The current AMR in Bruce County is $1,040 for a one bedroom and $1,464 for a two bedroom.
  • The household income of the household must be at or below the 60th income percentile for Bruce County or less than $116,000 per annum.
  • The full funding amount must be registered on title for 15 years, the life of the agreement.
  • Forgiveness is at a minimum of 15 years and is earned at an equal rate per year over the affordability period beginning on date of project completion.
  • The property must be your sole and principal residence and located in Bruce County.
  • Property taxes must be paid up to date.
  • Mortgage must be paid up to date.  Total of all property mortgages and any other funding registered on title, plus the ARU funding, cannot exceed the market value of the home, as determined by the assessed value of the property shown on your Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) Notice of Assessment.
  • Insurance must be paid up to date and be insured to the full property value.

Affordability Defined

Rents must be at or below CMHC's Average Market Rent for Bruce County and must remain affordable for 15 years, the life of the agreement.  The current AMR in Bruce County is $1,040 for a one bedroom and $1464 for a two bedroom.

Why create Additional Residential Units?

To learn more about the benefits of creating an Additional Residential Unit visit: Additional Residential Units | Bruce County

Apply for Additional Residential Unit Funding

To apply for Additional Residential Unit Funding, click here.