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Emergency Planning for Seniors

Every household should have a plan in place that will provide necessities and ensure safety for their family during the event of an emergency. Seniors may have additional considerations during an emergency, especially if they are required to evacuate their home.

Every household should have a plan in place that will provide necessities and ensure safety for their family during the event of an emergency. Seniors may have additional considerations during an emergency, especially if they are required to evacuate their home. Making a list and keeping it with an emergency kit can help with knowing what to take with them. Everyone should keep in mind that they may not be able to get back to their home right away, so knowing what they need for an extended period will be important. This may be the case for seniors who require special equipment or medications. Having a list may also assist others that are providing a helping hand.

Additional items may include:

  • assistive devices such as canes, walkers, hearing aids, breathing apparatus, etc.
  • prescription eyewear and footwear
  • extra medications and vitamin supplements (including a list of allergies and all prescribed medications with required dosages)
  • supply of food items appropriate to any dietary restrictions
  • extra dentures (if required) and cleanser
  • personal documentation and identification
  • list of names and telephone numbers, such as family members, doctors, caseworkers, seniors’ group contact person, etc.

"Emergencies can be frightening and stressful times. Whether you are sheltering in your home or having to evacuate, having a plan and creating a network of people who can assist you are important steps, especially for seniors,” said Ray Lux, Bruce County Emergency Management Coordinator.

Times of emergency can often be overwhelming. If a senior anticipates that they may need assistance during an emergency, it is a good idea to create a network ahead of time. Seniors should talk to family members, friends, and trusted neighbours to see if they can provide support. Once those people have been identified, seniors may want to share their plan, their list of required items, how to access their house, where to find their required items, and how to work assistive devices that may be required. Having a plan with their network, and then practicing it, will help seniors be prepared and feel more confident during an emergency.

Discover more about Emergency Preparedness at