Planning Inquiries and Consultations

Find what you need
If you're looking for information about a property, including what it is designated or zoned, locate the property using our online public maps.
Find information about plans and by-laws, and who to reach out to for help with permitted uses and provisions on the Official Plans and Zoning By-laws.
If your inquiry relates to creating lots or adding uses to a property that are not currently permitted, or the building department has notified you that an application is required to address specific provisions for your development project, you’re in the right place!
If you're looking for a zoning compliance letter, please reach out to the building department at the municipality where the property is located.
Meet with Planning Staff for an Inquiry or Pre-Submission Consultation
Inquiries typically involve a staff review of a proposal and direction in terms of the types of applications required, information you need to complete or prepare to submit with the application, and an indication, if known, of key planning considerations that may affect the likelihood of success. Inquiries are a good starting point for projects like a minor variance or zoning amendment where you have already spoken to the Municipality, there is a change within an existing zone, or you are creating a lot.
A Pre-Submission Consultation is similar to an inquiry and may come after an inquiry for larger projects such as multiple lot creation by consent, subdivision, or condominium, or changing to a new zone. Pre-submission consultation typically involves a meeting with County and local staff and may include external agencies and stakeholders. The outcome of pre-submission consultation is a summary of the meeting and direction in terms of the types of applications required, information you need to complete or prepare to submit with the application, next steps including terms of reference for studies that may be required and an indication, if known, of key planning considerations that may affect the likelihood of success of the application.
To recognize the cost, and the value, that is provided through the inquiry and pre-submission consultation process, fees may apply.
Requesting an Inquiry or Pre-submission Consultation
Please complete the inquiry form and send it in with a site plan outlining what you are trying to achieve. The more information you can share, the better we can help.
Email the form to the local office Hub that serves the municipality of interest, with your name, property address and municipality in the subject line.
Or you can mail it to the office Hub address on the inquiry form.
If your inquiry includes payment, please submit the inquiry together with a cheque to:
Bruce County Planning Inquiries
PO Box 848 30 Park St, Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0
Drop boxes are also located at each of the office Hub addresses listed on the form.
If you know of inquiry number that we have assigned, please include it with the submission.
Bruce County is actively working on a solution for online payment, however, online or telephone payments are not available at this time.