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Interactive Mapping

Bruce County Maps is an online mapping application that supplies property information such as Zoning and Official Plan details along with Assessment information. Also included are points of interest such as schools, recreational facilities, water bodies, woodlands, elevations, and high resolution aerial photography. Feel free to explore!

By clicking through to the map link above you are indicating you have read and agree to the terms set out in the terms of use and disclaimer.

Map layers include:

  • Aerial photography (spring 2015, 2010, and 2006)
  • Property Parcels with 911/Civic Addresses
  • Roads
  • Zoning
  • County & Local Official Plan Designations
  • Lot & Concessions,
  • Landmarks, facilities and services
  • Topographic layers such as rivers, lakes, elevation contours, wooded areas, wetlands, and more.

Information for Layer Data can be seen in either of two ways:

  • Right-click the map, then in the pop-up select 'Find data on the map' and once your expected results appear, you may click the appropriate item in the Identify Results list at left to see more details.
  • On the Getting Around tab of the Toolbar, click the  button, and then click the object of interest on the map. If the Toolbar is not visible, first click the  button to display it. Finally, click the appropriate an item in the Identify Results list for more details.

Searches by assessment roll number, civic (street) address, or lot & concession make it easy to locate a property to:

  • Determine applicable zoning and Official Plan designations
  • View properties in high-resolution aerial photography
  • Find rural properties by Lot, Concession and Former Township name
  • Create and print a map of your neighbourhood
  • Measure distances and areas in the units of your choice
  • Run a custom query against any map layer
  • "Explore the Bruce" from north to south and east to west using the interactive map tools that allow you to zoom in and out, pan, and identify features
Contact us

Justin Kraemer

GIS Coordinator

Department: Planning and Development

Location: Peninsula Hub

Tel : 519-534-2092

Guide to Interactive Maps


Bruce County is a lean organization that is focused on providing high quality services to the communities we share and tax payers we work for.

Municipal Planning Applications