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Municipal Planning Applications

Each of the eight municipalities within Bruce County have their own Comprehensive Zoning By-law and may have a Secondary Official Plan. To view these documents and active planning applications, please select the respective municipality, as listed below.
Southampton downtown

The Application Process


Pre-consultation is required with the appropriate Planning Hub (listed below) prior to submission, providing an opportunity early in the planning process to identify all submission requirements for a complete application. Application processing takes 3 to 4 months. If you are interested in filing an application, please first complete a Property Inquiry Form (PDF available below under Planning Forms) and provide a site sketch of your proposal, and submit to the appropriate planning hub (listed below).

Submitting an Application

Online submissions of applications are not accepted as original applicant and Commissioner of Oaths signatures are required. Applications may be printed from the PDF's on this page, or paper applications are available from municipal and county offices. Book a Commissioning Appointment online or in person.

Clear, legible site plans detailing all existing and proposed buildings, structures and uses (including septic beds and wells), their dimensions and distance to lot lines are required for all application types. Please refer to the information sheets provided below, for further information. Pre-consultation is required with the appropriate planning hub prior to submission.

Application 'Form One' (available below) is a multi-purpose application form used for:

  • Official Plan/Secondary Plan Amendment
  • Zoning By-Law Amendment
  • Consent/Severance
  • Minor Variance


As per the Fees and Charges By-Law, the Bruce County Planning department charges fees for each planning application.

In many municipal and land use planning contexts, there is a general principle that: “Development should pay for development.” Under this principle, applicants are required to cover the costs for providing the service of processing applications.

Application fees are intended to charge costs directly to the benefiting party (i.e., applicant), while eliminating or minimizing the burden on the property tax base for the parties that do not benefit directly from the service.

Planning fees are paid at the time an application is filed. For applications for Consents, Subdivisions and Condominiums, another fee is paid at the time of final approval.

See the complete list of up-to-date planning application fees under Attachments.

How to Appeal a Decision

Each completed planning application will have a 'Decision' issued, containing an 'Appeal By' date. The hearing of appeals is undertaken by the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). To access the required OLT forms and further details on OLT Appeal procedures, please visit the OLT website.

Plan the Bruce

Bruce County is seeking input on a path for the future health of our communities that will inform the new Official Plan. Let's Plan the Bruce - Together!

Bruce County Official Plan

The purpose of the Bruce County Official Plan is to establish a policy framework to guide the physical, social and economic development of the County and to protect the natural environment within the County to the year 2021. For more information on any current County-wide amendments to the County's Official Plan, or to download a PDF version, please visit the Bruce County Official Plan service page.


Alternative Format Available

Bruce County is committed to providing accessible and inclusive services to people of all abilities in a timely manner. The information on this site is intended to provide the public with as much access as possible to information regarding planning applications. Documentation may be made available in an alternative format upon request. To request this information in an alternative format please contact us.

Find an Active Planning Application

Select the municipality the application was filed under.

Attachment Size
File Icon EIS Guidelines approved Nov19 2009.pdf 79.68 KB
File Icon by-law 2023-020 - delegation of approval.pdf 137.95 KB


Serving Arran Elderslie, South Bruce Peninsula, and North Bruce Peninsula
Phone Number:
Serving Brockton, Huron Kinloss, and South Bruce
Phone Number:
Serving Saugeen Shores and Kincardine
Phone Number: