Transportation and Environmental Services
The Bruce County Transportation and Environmental Services Department has approximately 691 km of road and approximately 148 bridges under its jurisdiction. The department administers a road system composed of 'collector and arterial' roads, which distinguishes the County system from the local municipal road system. This system provides a consistent level of service between local urban, industrial, commercial and recreational centres. The Transportation and Environmental Services Department also coordinates Waste Management for the County.
News - Transportation and Environmental Services
REMINDER: No Motorized Use on the Bruce Road 25 Paved Path (Saugeen Shores)Bruce County would like to remind users that off-road vehicles are prohibited on the paved path along Bruce Road 25 in Port Elgin, between Highway 21 and Saugeen Beach Road. This trail was designed to offer a safe space for non-motorized activities like walking and cycling. All off-road vehicles must use the road portion of Bruce Road 25 while commuting in that area of town.
NOTICE: Temporary Closure of Bruce Road 3 Section in PaisleyPlease take notice that on Thursday, September 26, 2024, from 7:00 AM until approximately 5:00 PM, a portion of Bruce Road 3 from Church Street to North Street in Paisley, Ontario will be closed as Municipality of Arran-Elderslie completes sanitary sewer work.
Contact us
General Inquiries
Transportation and Environmental Services
Tel : 519-881-2400