Long Term Care - Dietary / Food Services, Maintenance, Housekeeping and Laundry

We provide Registered Dietitian services for nutritional monitoring and risk assessment of residents. We offer a variety of therapeutic diets, and texture modifications for chewing or swallowing difficulties.
Meal times at each Home vary slightly, with breakfast between 8:00 and 8:30, lunch at 12 noon, and dinner at 5:00 pm. A snack cart is delivered mid-morning, mid-afternoon and at bedtime.
Guest Meals
We invite family and friends to join residents at noon and evening mealtime in designated dining areas in the Home. We require a minimum of one hour notice for guests. There is a nominal charge for guest meals.
Kitchenettes are located in every dining room. Supplies such as bread, milk, cookies, juices, tea and coffee are kept in these areas and are for the use of the residents. You may store perishable food in the common fridge, but we ask that you label your items with the resident’s name, date and discard expired perishables as needed.
Long Term Care

Nursing Services

Volunteering at the Homes

General Information and Other Services Provided

Environmental Services

Dietary / Food Services