General Information and Other Services Provided

Advanced foot care is provided by a qualified advanced foot care provider who is contracted by the Homes. All residents receive a foot assessment by registered staff upon admission. If foot care is recommended as a result of the admission assessment, or if desired by the resident/family you will be asked to sign a contract agreeing to the services and fees with the advanced foot care provider.
Cable Television is offered to residents through the Eastlink Cable Television network which is administered through the Front Office. Each room is capable of providing cable television services. Please check with the receptionist for fee details of cable TV. The in-house setup of the cable TV service eliminates administrative fees and connection/disconnection fees. The cable package offered is a standard package that is tailored to meet the general needs of all the residents in the Home.
Residents may purchase clothing from companies that come to the facility at different times during the year. At times, resident’s clothing may require mending. We have an agreement with a seamstress to complete mending for a fee. At times, resident’s clothing may require dry cleaning. Upon consent, arrangements will be made with a local dry cleaning company, and the resident pays for these extra charges.
Dental Hygienist services are contracted and are available by a qualified dental hygienist. Some of the services offered are as follows: Dental assessments, fluoride application, dental counseling, periodontal cleanings, scaling and polishing, tooth whitening, denture cleaning and labelling, and referrals to dental professionals. A pamphlet from the service provider is available at reception. Direct billing will be done through the service provider.
Services are provided in the facility for male and female residents by a contracted qualified hairdresser. Services include cuts, colours, sets and perms and beard trimming. The cost of this service is paid through the resident trust account. Contact the in-Home hairstylist for more information.
The resident/family/substitute decision-maker is responsible for the payment of physician fees, medications and other treatments or aids ordered by a Physician unless otherwise covered by OHIP, Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB), Assistive Devices Program (ADP) and/or the LTC Facility Funding Formula.
At both Homes local newspaper subscriptions can be arranged through the front office. Payment is the responsibility of the resident, but with consent, or may also be paid through the resident trust account.
A licensed optometrist visits regularly to provide vision care and prescribe eyeglasses. Payment for eyeglasses is the responsibility of the resident, and may be paid for through the resident trust account.
At times a resident has a need to purchase personal items or have money for shopping trips. By signing a consent, residents can take out money from their trust account for this purpose.
Medications are provided to all residents by the contracted pharmacy service provider and the co-payment is waived. Medications ordered by the physician, that are not covered by the Ontario Drug Benefit for Senior’s Program, are to be paid for by the resident.
At times there may be additional charges for planned recreational activities. These types of activities can include, but are not limited to the purchase of: Tickets to attend special outings (theatre, Belmore Maple Syrup, etc.) Meals Out - going to a restaurant, a community festival etc. Shopping – going to Giant Tiger/Walmart and purchasing items Outings – purchase of ice cream / coffee etc. while on outings
The service from a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) is available at Brucelea Haven and the family/resident can arrange through a community vendor at Gateway Haven. Massage therapy enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves circulation of blood and relieves pain and stress. A pamphlet from the service provider is available at reception at Brucelea Haven.
At times, a resident has an appointment or a need to go to another location for care The resident representative arranges transportation themselves, or with their approval and direction for staff to arrange transportation. The Resident Trust Account may be used to pay for the cost of transportation. As needed, transportation may be arranged by local disability vans and mobility companies.
Wireless internet service is available free of charge in both Homes. It can be accessed by joining the “guest” wireless network on your computer or device.
Long Term Care

Nursing Services

Volunteering at the Homes

General Information and Other Services Provided

Environmental Services

Dietary / Food Services