Long Term Care - Recreation and Leisure Services

Resident participation in programs is based on assessment of the resident’s needs, abilities and interests and range from group activities to individual one on one visits. Our staff is trained to encourage the residents to participate, but program declines are always respected. Visitors are welcome to accompany residents to any program. Monthly Activity Calendars are available in the lobby, at front reception and on the Bruce County website.
Rehabilitation Care and Physiotherapy Services
Both Homes have contract professional therapy service providers who offer an extensive rehabilitation care program. Consent at admission allows professional physiotherapist assessments and services. Trained staff assist residents with exercises and walking programs. Residents also have access to exercise equipment in the Home to improve and maintain their physical capabilities.
Assistive Devices Equipment
Restorative Care staff will assist you with the process of purchasing equipment such as walkers and wheelchairs upon admission, as required. We will arrange for professional consults to complete assessments in the Home to provide custom fittings and help you access funding, if you are eligible. There are options when it comes to purchasing equipment through vendors and government programs that we can help you access on an ongoing basis.
The Homes have wheelchairs and walkers you may borrow on a temporary basis, however availability is limited.
Special Recreation and Leisure Events
Throughout the year, both Homes host large-scale events such as the Big Tent Event, Corn Roast or Barbecue, Geri Fashions, Music and Entertainment and a Volunteer Appreciation Tea. Families and friends are most welcome to attend. An RSVP is at times required, depending on the event size to enable us to plan and provide accordingly.
Mobile X-Ray Technician
This is a contracted service in the Home for non-emergency x-rays and ultrasounds.
Long Term Care

Nursing Services

Volunteering at the Homes

General Information and Other Services Provided

Environmental Services

Dietary / Food Services