Council / Committee Meetings – Thursday, January 20, 2022
Plan the Bruce: Business Discussion Paper
The Planning and Development Committee received the Plan the Bruce: Business Draft Discussion Paper as information and will circulate it to Local Municipalities and key stakeholders for comment. The Plan the Bruce: Business Discussion paper is one of eight Discussion Papers that support the Official Plan project. The Business Guiding Principle is about growing economic health through business diversity. The development of this draft discussion paper included extensive research, analysis, and community engagement activities aimed at gaining insight from key stakeholders, businesses, and groups of economic participants. Recommended directions include Identifying Economic Development as a Key Objective, Reinforcing the Economic Development Strategic Plan, and Ensuring a Diverse Land Supply. Discover more at
Plan the Bruce: Connecting Discussion Paper
The Plan the Bruce: Connecting Discussion paper is one of eight Discussion Papers that support the Official Plan project. The Connecting Guiding Principle is about bringing our communities closer together. The County has done important work to inform an updated comprehensive transportation planning and land use framework. This includes the 2021 County Master Transportation Plan which includes recommendations and findings that can be given consideration through the Official Plan project. The County has identified Connecting as fundamental to continued success for moving people (workers, visitors, family members), goods (food, machinery parts, lumber), and information (data, websites, media) between communities and beyond. Connecting communities has traditionally been thought of within the context of highways and streets, with the focus on motor vehicles. Over time, the County has experienced larger farm machinery, more demand for walking and cycling, growth in the use of horse and buggy, and increased tourism traffic. More change is also anticipated, such as electric and autonomous vehicles. A well-planned transportation system is a fundamental consideration to realizing complete and healthy communities, while contributing to longer-term economic prosperity. Discover more at
2021 Traffic Calming Update & Pilot Project Closeout
The Transportation & Environmental Services Committee approved the use of Centerline Vertical Treatment as a recommended traffic calming option to add to the County toolbox of traffic calming solutions. The reduction of speeding by motorists on the County’s Road network is currently a significant source of concern for the County residents. In 2020, the County’s Transportation and Environmental Services (TES) Department initiated a formal process for traffic calming studies to develop traffic calming solutions and implement them. In 2021, the County investigated, implemented solutions, and/or followed-up on a number of speeding issues, and the Centreline Vertical Treatment trial in small residential communities was a success.
Surplus Reserve Funds Transferred to the Bruce Road 4 and Bruce Road 9 Projects
The Transportation & Environmental Services Committee approved that $133,677 of surplus reserve funds from the Bruce Road 3 Project be transferred to the Bruce Road 4 project. The Committee also approved that $48,288 of surplus reserve funds from the Bruce Road 29 Project be transferred to the Bruce Road 4 project. The Committee also approved that $16,099 from the gas tax fund on the Roads Condition Assessment Project from 2019 be transferred to the Bruce Road 4 project. Finally, the Committee also approved that $45,727 of surplus reserve funds from the Bruce Road 29 Micro Surfacing Project be transferred to the Bruce Road 9 project.
Bruce County Announces New Director of Transportation & Environmental Services
Bruce County is pleased to announce the appointment of Amanda Froese as the new Director of Transportation & Environmental Services, effective February 14, 2022. As a member of the County’s Senior Leadership Team, Amanda will administer the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and administration requirements of the County road system, develop a Climate Change Action Plan, update the Waste Management Master Plan, and help the County respond to the challenges of COVID-19. Amanda Froese is an experienced leader and Licensed Professional Engineer. She has been the Director of Infrastructure and Development Services for the Town of Saugeen Shores since 2017, where she was responsible for strategic direction and oversight for public works, engineering, environmental, and development services.
Bruce County Indigenous Reconciliation Planning Initiative
The Executive Committee approved a commitment to spend up to $150,000 total to support the Bruce County Indigenous Reconciliation Planning Initiative. $60,000 of these funds are already included in the 2022 budget and the remaining $90,000 will be included in the 2023 budget. Bruce County has and is taking steps to improve relationships with neighbouring Indigenous communities. This initiative is in support of and complimentary to our current efforts, acknowledging that there is more to be done and there is a need for a thoughtful, coordinated, corporate-wide approach – a plan, built on foundation of understanding and collaboration. This initiative aims to build Indigenous cultural awareness and intercultural capacity and competency across the County, leading to the collaborative development of Bruce County’s own Indigenous Reconciliation Plan. Education and training will build a common foundation for reconciliation through increased Indigenous cultural understanding and awareness across Bruce County as an organization.
Service Manager Consent for the Sale of Property
The Human Services Committee approved that a Service Manager Consent for the sale of a portion of the property at 915 Huron Terrace, Kincardine, be granted to the Bruce County Housing Corporation. The Committee also approved that the proceeds from the sale of the property be used to support the delivery of housing programs or housing related purposes.
New Acting Director of Human Services Announced
It was announced at the Human Services Committee meeting that Tina Metcalfe, Children’s Services Manager, will be providing coverage as Acting Director for Bruce County’s Human Services Department, beginning on January 17, 2022. This coverage appointment will support the Senior Management Team while Christine MacDonald is in the role of Interim CAO.
Paramedic Services New Build in Saugeen Shores
The Paramedic Services Committee approved that the Director of Paramedic Services be authorized to satisfy and/or waive any conditions and any planning requirements with regards to satisfying the Municipality of Saugeen Shores directives in gaining Site Plan Approval on behalf of the Corporation, and at his discretion be authorized to sign any documentation to that effect. The objective of the Paramedic Services New Station build project in Saugeen Shores is to provide a hub for Paramedic Services and County Staff. This facility will have meeting room spaces and hoteling work-stations for County Staff, is fully generator supported, features additional parking spaces to alleviate parking issues at Library Headquarters, and features a paramedic simulator lab for paramedic staff training. This facility will serve as the Headquarters for Paramedic Services in the County. County staff have been working with Saugeen Shores staff and our design consultant in addressing any concerns to move this project forward.
Vehicles for Community Paramedicine Program
The Paramedic Services Committee approved Paramedic Services to sole source two Tesla Model 3 AWD sedans due to vehicle availability and time constraints associated with the Ministry of Health fiscal year funding ending March 31, 2022. Bruce County Paramedic Services is preparing for the implementation of an expanded Community Paramedicine program, provided funding is received from the province. In order to expand the program, two additional vehicles are required. Benefits of pursuing this EV option includes availability, reducing our carbon footprint, cost savings compared to non-electric vehicles in the County fleet, and trialing electric vehicles for future County consideration. The price per vehicle is $66,990 +HST. These vehicles are not part of the 2022 budget and are being 100% funded through Community Paramedic Long Term Care Funding.
This publication identifies highlights from recent Bruce County Council and Committee meetings. Bruce County’s Office of the CAO maintains complete agendas and minutes from all Council and Committee meetings, which can be reviewed at